Sunday, March 24, 2013

You are a Permanent Bench of the organization!

You are a high performer,  you bring results,  market and colleagues recognizes you as passionate and deserving,  you are told many a times that you are on fast track, yet, your career doesn't seem to be moving for quite sometime.  Welcome to the bench strength of the organization.
source: NYtimes

Organization work hard to keep you engaged and motivated,  you feel again, that change-reward is coming now, but the wait is not yet over. Most of the bench in such a scenario (should) works double hard and challenge their permanent Beta status.... & that's the purpose of the bench for an organization.

And for you, because you are surely the first of the future...the art of patience should not be in "how long", but what you are demonstrating while benching.

Rock your bench, upgrade your bench, but don't fall off the bench!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Business of making decisions!

Buying time, going slow, plan carefully, check all the options, take no risk... if you are not in maintenance, planning or design profession, then avoid getting into the trap of above terminologies.  There is so much of power in making decisions right now !

While you save a lot of time & energy spent in maintaining that status quo,  actually no one would calculate the cost of lost opportunity while looking backwards.  So, if you are thinking of making the next career move, or trying to give that straight feedback, or figuring out a vacation spot, or still unsure about that yoga class.. take that small decision right now.  The world opens so many windows soon after that one small step.

Similarly, as a professional, you are not a barcode who decodes company's terms & policies to the customer,  you are The organization who thinks and decides... sometimes on-the-spot.